Beautiful Napps: Watch her Curly Girl Secrets May 22, 2018Curly Girl Secrets for the Summer 1. Section off your hair properly 2. Use products with Flaxseed extract: Hair lotion 3. Always use a styler, it will lock in your...
Save 40% Today! May 4, 2018Spring Sale 2018! Buy any 4 items and save 40% for the month of May! Orders placed between May 4 & 11 Will ship start shipping Monday May 21st Special...
If Wakanda produced hair oil this would be it February 21, 2018It would be Carmella Marie's Jamaican Black Castor Growth Oil Why? Safflower Oil Safflower oil comes from the safflower plant, which is like the sunflower. This oil is rich in Vitamin E and...
LET'S TALK HAIR: THE MANE EVENT 2017 December 3, 2017Check out the 2017 Let's Talk Hair The Mane Event for Naturals Full Vlog by Tai Scott: Save the Date 9/29/2018 I look forward to seeing you all next year!
Big Bouncy Curls: Curly Girl Secret #10 March 22, 2017Wand Curls Curly Girl Secret #10 Watch Video below Independently done by Mini Marley \
CGS #9: Less is More February 27, 2017What I'm Not Going to Do in 2017 MyThriftedCloset Hair lessons We realized by watching this video that less is more. If you implement at least 1-2 of these tips your hair...